SAEEA Celebrated Their 8th Reunion and Held 2nd Elections
Saudi Aramco Ex-Employees Association (SAEEA) celebrated the 8th Reunion on August 31, 2013 at Village Restaurant Karachi, Pakistan. In this reunion SAEEA celebrated its third anniversary, Eid Milan and the 2nd Elections. Following are the highlights:
- A total of 90 persons (Male 62-Female 23-Children-5) attended the function.
- All attendees met their old buddies and enjoyed the event.
- Engr. Iqbal Ahmed Khan started the function by reciting the few verses from the Holy Qu’ran.

Syed Shahid Ali took the responsibility of Stage secretary. He introduced all SAEEA office bearers and then invited the President, Kamal Ahmed Farooqi to highlight the activities happened in between 7th and 8th reunion functions.
- As stated during the 7th reunion, KAF announced SAEEA 2nd election and introduced the election committee consisting of Chairman, Mr. Rais Akhtar and two members, Qamar Khan and Kaiseruddin Alavi, responsible to conduct the elections.
- KAF requested all members to co-operate with SAEEA office holders when it comes for arranging any future get together.
- He further informed all the attendees that the Bye-Laws are finalized and are now available on SAEEA Website (http://www.saeea.com.pk)
- The matter concerning registration of SAEEA with the Pakistan Government Authorities is under review with a Local Lawyer and will be finalize soon.

The main objective of this reunion was to hold the election as per SAEEA Bye-Laws. Election results are as follows: As per announced schedule the SAEEA Election was held on August 31, 2013, under the supervision of the Election Committee as:
- Rais Akhtar-Chairman
- Qamar A Khan-Member
- Kaiseruddin Alvi-Member

Following Nominations were received for the Election of 2013. For President:
- Mr. Kamal A Farooqi # 74823
- Mr. Syed Mohammad Hussain Rizvi # 73055
For Vice President:
- Engr. Iqbal A Khan # 73543
- Mr. Inam-Ur-Rehman # 71961
For General Secretary:
- Mr. Ghulam Qutubuddin Khan # 72943
- Mr. Haleem Ansari # 71932
For Coordinator:
- Mr. Mohammad Abdulmatin # 72863
- Mr. Mohammad Waseem # 71710
For Joint Secretary:
- Mr. Shafiq Ahmed Khan # 73789
For Treasurer:
- Mr. Salim Hamid # 73199

Please note there were only 53 voters cast their vote in this election & as per carefully counts we are glad to announce the following result of SAEEA Election of 2013. Election Results:
- Mr. Kamal A Farooqi # 74823 elected for President & receives 47 votes against Mr. Syed Mohammad Hussain Rizvi # 73055 who receives 6 votes.
- Engr. Iqbal Ahmed Khan # 73543 elected for Vice President and receives 46 votes against Mr. Inam-Ur-Rehman # 71961 who receives 6 votes.
- Mr. Ghulam Qutubuddin Khan # 72943 elected for General Secretary & receives 46 votes against Mr. Haleem Ansari # 71932 who receives 7 votes.
- Mr. Mohammad Abdulmatin # 72863 elected for Coordinator and receives 47 votes against Mr. Mohammad Waseem # 71710 who receives 6 votes.
- Mr. Shafiq Ahmed Khan # 73789 for Joint Secretary
- Mr. Salim Hamid # 73199 for Treasurer have been declared successful as there were no contest.

The venue of the 8th reunion was located in the heart of the city and the atmosphere was cool and everybody liked the location and the menu of the delicious food. The function adjourned on time as planned. If you have any questions then please call Engr. Iqbal Ahmed Khan on +92-321-701-4929 or write to him on iqbalkhan.2010@live.com. To view more photographs of SAEEA Celebrated Their 8th Reunion and Held 2nd Elections please visit the Aramco ExPats Galleries. View a PowerPoint presentation of the event SAEEA 8th Reunion Presentation.