SAEEA Monthly Meeting for October 2013

SAEEA Office Bearers with the sons of
late Mobeen Ul Haq Malik
The monthly progress meeting of Saudi Aramco Ex-Employees Association (SAEEA) was held on October 09, 2013 at Mr. Shafiq Ahmed Khan’s residence.. The attendees were as follows:
- Kamal Ahmed Farooqi-KAF
- Engr. Iqbal Ahmed Khan-IAK
- Ghulam Qutubuddin Khan
- Mohammad Abdulmatin-MAM
- Shafiq Ahmed Khan-SAK
- M. Salim Hamid-MSH
- Sher Ali-SA

The highlights of the meeting were as follows:
- All SAEEA office bearers visited (Late) Mobeen Ul Haq Malik residence. Fateha was offered and Mr. Maliks death was condoled to his three sons. Mr. Malik passed away last week in Karachi. Khurram Mobeen (the youngest son of Mobeen Ul Haq Malik) was offered to become a member of SAEEA in order to maintain future relations.

- KAF briefed the activities took place during the 8th Reunion, held on August 31, 2013. SAEEA 2nd elections were held during the Reunion and KAF thanked and recognized the outstanding services of the Election Committee. The Strategy adopted for the elections was appreciated by all SAEEA Members who unanimously agreed that the elections were fair, transparent and comprehensive. KAF signed the appreciation letters, addressed to the Chairman and Members of SAEEA Election Committee. It was felt that an amendment was necessary in the chapter “SAEEA Elections” He requested all attendees to review SAEEA Bye-Laws and come back with their comments in the next SAEEA Meeting.
- KAF briefed other activities took place during the month of September 2013.
- SAEEA to contact a local vendor supplying souvenirs to companies in the city and take its rates.
- In future SAEEA monthly meetings will be held on first working day of each month.
- KAF and MSH (Newly elected Finance Secretary) discussed the procedure for handing /taking over charge of the Finance Secretary. A mini accounts meeting was conducted in this regard at Sher Ali’s office on September 23, 2013. It was agreed that before the next SAEEA monthly meeting final Accounts be completed for previous years.

If you have any questions then please contact Engr. Iqbal Ahmed Khan on his cell +92-321-701-4929 or write to him on