The progress meeting is in progress; Shafiq A. Khan, Arif Qamar, Engr. Iqbal Ahmed Khan, Kamal A. Farooqi, Mohammad Abdul Matin, Muhammad Salim Hamid.
The progress meeting of the Saudi Aramco Ex-Employees Association (SAEEA) was held on May 11, 2024 at Faran Club, Karachi.
The attendees were as follows:
- Kamal Ahmed Farooqi (KAF)
- Engr. Iqbal Ahmed Khan (IAK)
- Mohammad Abdul Matin (MAM)
- Arif Qamar (AQ)
- Salim Hamid (MSH)
- Shafiq A. Khan (SAK)

The SAEEA Office Bearers: Muhammad Salim Hamid (Finance Secretary), Shafiq A. Khan (Joint Secretary), Arif Qamar (Events Organizer), Engr. Iqbal Ahmed Khan (Vice President), Kamal A. Farooqi (President), Mohammad Abdul Matin (Coordinator).
The highlights of the meeting were as follows:
- Ghulam Qutubuddin Khan and Razi Khan could not attend the meeting as they are currently out of the Country.
- SAEEA President, Kamal Farooqi has been sick for the last few weeks. He updated everyone about his health; which was better than before. We hope he will fully recover by our next meeting/SAEEA Reunion.
- This was the 3rd meeting of the current year 2024.
- SAEEA 2nd newsletter was delayed because of some technical difficulties. Now it is in the final stage and will be released very soon.
- As a result of certain unavoidable circumstances, SAEEA 5th SHERO-O-ADAB program has been delayed. KAF requested IAK to look for a suitable place. IAK will revert in a week.

Mohammad Abdul Matin - SAEEA Coordinator

Kamal Ahmed Farooqi - SAEEA President

Muhammad Salim Hamid - SAEEA Finance Secretary

Engr. Iqbal Ahmed Khan - SAEEA Vice President, Arif Qamar - SAEEA Events Organizer
- SAEEA 27th reunion has successfully been concluded. Several points were raised by attendees during the gathering; and were discussed and/or implemented. They are:
- Several attendees suggested a FARMHOUSE picnic. All office bearers seconded and requested AQ to look for a place and revert for the final decision.
- Members requested for SAEEA election. So, SAEEA will make a personnel survey during the 28th reunion for a final decision.
- As announced during the 27th reunion, SAEEA yearly subscription has been revised from Rs.4000 to Rs.5000. The new members have to pay, only once; Rs.1000 at the time of completing membership form and registering themselves as a new Member. Accordingly; SAEEA membership form will be altered.
- KAF requested SAEEA office bearers to conduct another survey of a local market for SAEEA souvenirs for distribution amongst SAEEA paid members.
- SAEEA program USB. This project was pending for some reasons. KAF requested SAK to restart the project and try injecting all SAEEA reunions plus newsletters in the USB.
- KAF prayed for a sick friend and DOA maghferagh for the deceased.
If you have any questions then please call Engr. Iqbal Ahmed Khan on +92-321-701-4929 or write to him on iqbalkhan.2010@live.com