A group of NED69ers Engineers - Mohammad Akbar Ismail, Mahmood Manzoor, Mohammad Wajahat Hussain Siddiqi, Abdul Majid Adam, Iqbal Ahmed Khan, Sharif Ur Rehman Malik, Sami Ur Rehman, Najmul Hasnain.
Bismillah Ar Rehman Rahim
- Engr. Abdul Majid Adam graduated in 1969 from NED Engineering College in Mechanical Engineering (NED69ers Mech.).
- Completed his MS Degree from North Carolina State University in 1971.
- Working experience in Petro Chemical Industry in the USA, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and in the Republic of China for fifty (50) years.
- Finally, retired from his job in September of the year 2020.

Engr. Najmul Husnain, NED69ers Mechanical, Stage Secretary.

Student of local Masjid-e-Amna, reciting a few verses from the Holy Quran.

Engr. Syed Haider Ali Shah, Operations Manager Saaf Paani USA.

Engr. Abdul Majid Adam, NED69ers Mechanical, Founder and CEO of Saaf Paani USA.

Saaf Paani, Manager Operations for Submersible Pumps Projects.

Engr. Mohammad Wajahat Hussain Siddiqui, NED69ers Mechanical.

Mufti Noor un Nabi, Saaf Paani Beneficiaries.

Dr. Jalaluddin Qureshi, Water Expert from the USA.
How Saaf Paani started:
- Abdul Majid Adam was inspired one day while watching a TV show anchored by Mubashir Lucman showing a video clip from June 12, 2018 about the story of Mr. Sawan, whose three sons (3) died because of drinking contaminated water from a local pond in Vahova village (65 miles from Tunsa Barrage in Punjab District in Pakistan).
- Abdul Majid Adam decided to launch a nonprofit organization named Saaf Paani (Safe Water) which is a 501 (c)(3) Corporation.
The inception of Saaf Paani took place during the “Golden Jubilee Function” of NED69ers in February 2019 in Karachi, Pakistan. As soon as Saaf Paani was launched, Abdul Majid Adam received 1.1 Million US Dollars as donations from NED69ers, their families, and friends through donation appeals to various Masjids. The Saaf Paani group, in collaboration with NED Social Engineers Trust Group (NED-Set), installed over 304 plants in areas of Karachi and the interior of Sindh Province, serving the needs of 150,000 families of 4 people on a daily basis.
- Pakistan is going through a severe drinking water crisis.
- Currently, Saaf Paani's main focus is in Karachi, Interior Sindh and Baluchistan, particularly in those underserved areas where no NGO (Non-Governmental Organization) goes and the available drinking water is contaminated.
- In the Interior areas of Sindh Province, women walk from 3 to 5 kilometers daily to acquire 5 gallons of unsafe water to meet their family’s cooking and drinking needs.
- To mitigate this water crisis, NED Engineers are at the forefront of providing safe, clean water to the neediest families, and, wherever possible, close to where they live to save women walking time.
- The NED69ers approach is very scientific, they lab test the available water and determine the best possible solution.
- Based on TDS (Total Dissolved Solid), three possible solutions are provided.

Engr. Mohammad Akbar Ismail, NED69ers Civil.

Mr. Abid Mesiya relative of Abdul Majid Adam.

Saaf Paani guest of the event.

The audience is listening to the speech delivered by Engr. Abdul Majid Adam, Engr. Syed Nusrat Jamil, Engr. Badar Khan, Engr. Iqbal Ahmed Khan.

Saaf Paani, RO Plants beneficiaries.

The Saaf Paani Beneficiaries from various areas are listening to the speech delivered by Engr. Abdul Majid Adam.
What we do:
We start by taking a sample of water by digging a bore well. The water is lab tested for contaminants and for Total Dissolved Solids (TDS). If the TDS level is below 500 and with no contaminants, we install a Solar Powered Submersible Pump with a Water Tank. Also, if the TDS level is lower than 500 level and the water is turbid, we install a Filtration Plant. If the TDS is greater than 500, we install a Reverse Osmosis (RO) plant. After the plant is installed, we periodically monitor and supervise the plant operations with the help of the local community. In areas where there is no electricity, we install solar panels with inverters to facilitate the working of the plant.
Year-End Report 12-31-2022:
Saaf Paani Friends and Supporters thank ALMIGHTY ALLAH (SWT), for all the progress we have made since our inception in the fall of CY 2019 and seek His help and the continued support of our donors.
Donations Received:
In a little over three (3) years, we have received donations worth $1,108,453. About 75% of these donations came from our NED69ers, their friends, and relatives. The remaining 25% of donations came from our local fundraising efforts in the USA.
We continue our efforts to increase our donor base. We need your help in spreading the good word.
Pumps Installed (from October 2019 through 12-31-2022)
RO Plants

Solarized Ultra Filtration Plant

Solarized Submersible Pump

Grand Totals

As one can see, Alhumdulellah, our progress has been pretty good so far. From (28) pumps in 2020 to (122) in 2021 and (146) in 2022. When challenged with the flood situation in Pakistan, we were able to quickly design and install (15) solarized Ultra Filtration Plants in Karachi, Interior Sindh, Baluchistan and the outskirts of Quetta.
2023 Campaign:
We cannot relax. The needs are a lot larger than we can imagine. So please continue to donate generously and encourage your friends and relatives to do the same. Spread the word around and share the attached videos with them.
Please note, that even with rampant inflation, we are able to install RO plants in US $5000, as we continue to improve our efficiency and cost reduction activities. Submersible pumps (including solar power systems), however, are costing us an average of $1800. This is largely due to the depth of the well. If we find water at about 150 Feet in depth, it will cost around $ 1600. Most of the time we dig 200 - 250 feet depth and in some cases, as deep as 500 - 600 feet. This raises our costs. However, we don’t abandon it no matter how deep we have to dig, no matter what the costs are. When these pumps are operational, a smile on a poor kid’s face is worth all the money in the world.
- Donation request for a RO Plant: $5000
- Donation request for a submersible Solar Pump: $1,800
- Donation request for Mobile Ultrafiltration Plant: $2,000
- Shallow Hand Pump: $450
- Community Pump: $950
If any of you plan to visit Pakistan and want to see the site of your donated plant, let us know ahead of time, and we can arrange a tour of the site for you.
- We have a group of well-trained technicians in Karachi and a separate group in Interior Sindh just to maintain installed plants in operating condition. Maintain adequate inventory of all required spare parts at hand needing frequent replacement.
- We have rented a shop in Karachi where we assemble RO Plants. This is to assure that only genuine new parts are used in our operation. We DO NOT buy assembled RO Plants from other vendors as the risk of re-furbished parts is too high. We also have an RO Plant at this shop where we sell bottled water on a limited scale. It helps us reduce the overhead costs of assembly shop rent and other miscellaneous costs.
- We currently maintain a staff of (10) full-time employees. Our Operations Manager is a NEDUET Graduate, Engr. Hyder Ali Shah.
Please continue to donate. Please spread the word around to friends and relatives. Help humanity, help our country, and earn Jannah. Please help us raise a million dollars in 2023. Suggest new ways to raise funds and improve our operation and offer your help in any way you can. We would need volunteers in the following states to help us reach our goals: California, Illinois, New England, New York, Florida, New Jersey, Maryland and Virginia. Also, we need volunteers from Canada as well.
If someone can volunteer time and effort for fundraising in Pakistan, that will be helpful.
May Allah SWT help us achieve our 2023 donation goal of One Million Dollars, so we can help the neediest to get Safe Water for their drinking and cooking needs.
An event for Saaf Paani was organized in Karachi on January 10, 2023 at “The Apple Banquet, Gulzar-e-Hijri”. The purpose behind organizing this event was to show the donors that there is a huge percentage of the population in Pakistan who does not have clean and safe drinking water. Due to this, they are suffering from many health issues.
At this event, it was shown to the audience how Saaf Paani USA is serving the local and underprivileged population who are unable to drink clean and safe drinking water. The RO Plant beneficiaries of Saaf Paani USA, NED Graduates of 1969 (NED69ers) and members of NEDian Social Engineers Trust (NED-Set) were part of the event.
Saaf Paani USA Progress & Future Plans-Metro TV News Report for Jan 10, 2023.
R.O. Plant beneficiaries’ remarks on Saaf Paani USA Maintenance.
Opening ceremony of a new RO Plant in Karachi.