Dora Rose Reed

Deceased: 8 April 1971

Under: Obituary

The company has been notified of the death of Dora Rose Reed in New York on Thursday, April 8.

Miss Reed joined Aramco in 1956 as a stenographer and upon her arrival here in May of that year she was assigned to Office Services. In 1957 she was transferred to Government Relations and while with that department she served a three-month stint in Jiddah. In 1966 she moved back to Office Services. In May 1970, while she was on medical leave, Miss Reed was selected to be secretary to the manager, Community Services Department upon her return. In August, however, under advice of her doctors, she left Dhahran to convalesce in a New York nursing home.

Surviving Miss Reed are her three sisters-Edna Reed, who resides at 81 North Arlington Ave., East Orange, New Jersey; Mrs. Douglas Neal, whose contact address is c/o Box 47, Otto, New York; and Mrs. Ernest Wehling, of 16 West Avenue, Arkport, New York. [Photograph]

To Dora's many friends in Saudi Arabia, we want to express our appreciation for the letters, cards and memorials received at the time of her death. Your thoughtful expressions of sympathy and kindnesses extended to us will always be remembered. Sisters and brothers of Dora Reed.

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