Elmo Fullmer

Deceased: 28 February 1948

Under: Obituary

As detailed in the March 3rd issue of the "Sun and Flare", Mr. Elmo Fullmer passed away in Alexandria, Egypt, on February 28, 1948 at 12:20 p.m. while enroute to the United States with his family.

Memorial Service in respect to the memory of Mr. Elmo Fullmer was held in the Dhahran Auditorium on Friday April 2nd, at 2:00 p.m. Chaplain Howard E. Munson of the Dhahran Air Base rendered a well-received eulogy, the theme of which was: "There is no death. What seems so is transition."

Following the Memorial Service, the urn was interred in the Dhahran Christian Cemetery by a group of close associates and friends.

A Hard Worker has Gone "Home"... for that was Elmo Fullmer!

From his earliest start during high school and college days in the mines as a powder monkey and a mucker, to his last position as Assistant General Manager in the Field, Elmo never ceased work!

Last Sunday the news of his death in Alexandria, Egypt, at 12:20 p.m. on Saturday, February 28, while enroute to the States, shocked us. For it was but a few days before he walked and talked among us. Many are wrought with pent up emotions they cannot define.

To Mrs. Zuva Fullmer and the children we say:

"The Gateway through which we must all pass opens on something so vast and beautiful that of it we dare not dream. For the dead our hearts are finally at peace. Our sympathy goes out only to the living."

Zuva, our deepest to you and the children.

And add, if we may, that many said: "Thank God, Mr. & Mrs. James MacPherson were with you in your heaviest hour." The consolation of friends when the world is dark is without price.

Fullmer About to Leave Us Departing by plane on Tuesday morning will be Elmo Fullmer. Almost 24 years of continuous company service are thus far to his credit. Elmo has been out here since April 1945 and was due to go on Home Leave next May.

Prior to coming here, Elmo headed up an expediting group in New York and was one of the spark plugs, along with several others, who kept the goods coming to Saudi Arabia so we could build the Refinery on schedule.

Elmo is now going home. He is leaving because he is sick. His high blood pressure is such that our doctors feel he should go to the United States to get the best medical attention. It is a great loss to our Company that he is leaving at this time. He has been the right arm of Vic Stapleton.

Elmo, we are going to miss you. We all hope that you will return to the Field fully recovered. The thoughts of many of us here in the Field will be with you and your family, and we will anxiously watch your progress back to good health.

Plans are being made for Memorial Service to be held in Dhahran.

 A fitting eulogy to Elmo Fuller is to say he was a man among men, who fulfilled his task, without regard for the price exacted.

We would like to refer to the time he was interviewed for "Know the Management series - his brief appeared in the March 2nd, 1947 issue of the "Sun and Flare"

The man, Elmo, was modest to the nth degree ... he always was. At first, he claimed he had no story. When he began to talk it developed that Elmo's history was like that of any man who came up the hard way.

That day, a Friday, he had to make a tour of inspection of the entire Dhahran area intermittently he gave out facts as he drove along - and typical of his nature - he continually added names of former fellow-workers... it was sort of reminiscing.

Elmo's rise was no rapid one, but through the years, he had made friends among the oil workers on all the "oil spots of California", and since 1945 right here in Arabia. Those who knew him intimately (and they are legion) are going to miss him until time in its sardonic way helps to erase the void....

Thus, to a close came a full life,... as full as the man ... Elmo Fullmer wanted it to be. It is for us who remain to carry on in his spirit.

Sun and Flare

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