Under: Africa

Kenya Safari

Kenya Safari – The Great Migration

June 5 – 14, 2025
2 "L" Days

A safari in Kenya is a spectacle found nowhere else in the world. 1.5 million wildebeest with an additional 500,000 zebras follow a circuit on East Africa’s grassland plains, following the rain and ripening grasses. Africa’s predators, lion, leopard, and hyena, are never far from this menagerie. We will be staying in the Mara’s best tented safari camp, Kitchwa Tembo, overlooking this teeming mass of animals. We will spend 3 full days of quality time in the Mara. The safari also includes visits to view the flamingos and White Rhino at Lake Nakuru and two nights in Samburu National Park to view northern game especially adapted to the dry climate of that area.

Cost $6,060 adult sharing. Contact Lou Spencer at Louis.spencer@yahoo.com.


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This trip is not sponsored by Aramco ExPats or any Saudi Aramco organization.

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