Aramcons from the Dhahran-area Saudi Aramco communities recently gathered for a pancake breakfast prepared by the Boy Scouts, their parents, and other leaders. The scouts are members in Boy Scouts of America Dhahran Troop 1. Those who went to the breakfast were able to socialize with old friends and meet new people, all while enjoying pancakes, eggs, and chicken sausages with friends and families in the Dhahran area. What originally began as a simple fundraising activity for the local scout troop has become a highly anticipated community event. This year’s event was organized and managed by Patti Cignoli, Lisa Collins, Lani Green, and Dolores Teubner. No small matter of logistics and planning, the process of preparing for next year’s event began almost immediately after the current year’s breakfast had been eaten and the equipment cleaned. The pancake breakfast has been bringing people together for more than 15 years as many members of the community have been attending the event for years and look forward to it each year. Sometimes, Boy Scouts are even approached by people to obtain a ticket even before sales begin. For the annual breakfast, Scouts and their families work two to four hours each, cooking, serving or clearing tables, in addition to the many hours selling tickets in advance. The Boy Scouts worked hard to keep up with the demand, putting out fresh pancakes, sausages, and eggs as fast as they could. The pancake breakfast also included a bake sale, which also contributes to the funds needed by the troop to purchase camping and safety equipment used by the Boy Scouts to learn the values of leadership, independence, and many other useful life skills. The Boy Scouts thanked all who bought tickets and/or donated money, as well as Recreation for its continued support with this event, including those who made sure that all electrical systems were ready for all of the cooking equipment.