Dhahran Theatre Group Cookbook, 1993


2 Large or 4 medium pomegranates
1 1/2 Cups of sugar
3Cups of water
Juice of one lemon


Cut the pomegranates into halves or quarters and crush them in a juice squeezer. Strain the resulting juice, being sure to remove any bits of white pith which will cause the syrup to be bitter. Put seeds aside.

Combine the juice (1 cup) with 2 cups of water, 1/2 Cup of sugar and juice of one lemon.

Put mixture on low heat, stir and cook about 10 minutes until milted. Cool.

Boil in a small saucepan for 15 minutes until the liquid is reduced to 11/2 cups.

Combine with remaining 1 cup of water and 1 cup of sugar and boil for 10 minutes. Add the pomegranate syrup and boil 5 minutes more. Let cool and then freeze (in ice cream maker according to instructions or in ice cube trays).

When the sorbet is almost frozen, but still creamy, stir in the pomegranate seeds and put sorbet in a bowl and cover with aluminum foil or in a plastic container with a cover. Finish freezing process.

Suzanne Boles