SAEEA'S 4th Reunion Luncheon Held March 04, 2012
Saudi Aramco Ex-Employees Association (SAEEA) celebrated their fourth reunion luncheon on March 04, 2012 at LAVISH DINE Restaurant in Karachi, Pakistan. Following are the highlights:
- A total of 153 (93 male, 55 ladies and 5 children) attended the function.
- Syed Shahid Ali took charge as Stage Secretary and had complete control of the activities of the function.
- The function started with the recitation from the Holy Quran by Engr. Iqbal A. Khan and recitation of Rhyme in Praise of Prophet Mohammad (PUBH) {N’aat} by Mohammad Younus Shaikh.
- Kamal Farooqi, President, SAEEA, gave the opening remarks and details about the SAEEA.
- Mr. Ateeq Ur Rehman, Pakistani Ex-Recruiting Agent and Ex-Aramcon, gave his remarks about the development of SAEEA and also mentioned that earlier such effort was done by few Ex-Aramcons but they were not successful. He appreciated the progress of SAEEA and requested all members to come forward and help the office bearers to further improve the activities of the Association.
- Engr. Iqbal Ahmed Khan, Vice President SAEEA gave a comprehensive report of the Association since the last function held on September 25, 2011. The highlights are:
- History of SAEEA.
- Exploring new membership for SAEEA.
- Visit of office bearers to sick employees,
- Introduction of SAEEA globally by publishing news in AramcoExpats .com newsletter and the bi-annual Al-Ayyam Al-Jamila magazine.
- SAEEA Web Site is under development.
- Membership of Ex-Employees children also started.
- Request all SAEEA members to send reports for their social activities for publishing in AramcoExpats.com newsletter.
- Details of how to get the weekly copies of Arabian Sun from the net.
- SAEEA souvenir design by Mr. Shafiq A. Khan, Joint Secretary.
- Two additional ladies, Mrs. Younus Shaikh and Mrs. Manzoor Shaikh, will join Mrs. Mahtab Saeed Khan as SAEEA Ladies Representatives.
- By-Laws of SAEEA are ready and will be finally discussed in SAEEA Monthly Progress Meeting in April 2012.
- SAEEA members are circulating all the publication as well as important e-mails on a regular basis.
- SAEEA office bearers attended all social functions of the fellow members. Further, they attended funerals and visited the families for condolence for fellow members who are not with us.
- Mrs. Mahtab Saeed Khan, SAEEA Ladies Representative spoke about the progress on the Marriage Bureau. She further requested all families to contact her for their concerns.
- SAEEA Member Mr. Saeed Uddin Khan came to the podium and requested that small committees are to be developed and work for the benefit of all members. This venture will ease the burden from the office bearers.
- SAEEA Member Mr. Jawaid Hassan came to the podium and stated that we should arrange some field trips and other activities.
- The SAEEA President appreciated the thoughts of the members who suggested their ideas to SAEEA. He requested that all such members, instead of giving suggestions should come forward and try to implement their suggestions.
- SAEEA Member Engr. Fouad Muhammad Asghar s/o late Mohammad Asghar Fazli shared his experience with Saudi Aramco.
- As the progress of the function was going on all the participants were served hot and spicy, chicken, corn soup.
- A lot of SAEEA Members were fascinated by the design of the wall clock and it was presented to them at a very nominal cost.
- Kamal Ahmed Farooqi made dua for all sick ex-employees and also prayed for forgiveness from ALMIGHTY ALLAH (SWT) {Dua Magfarat) for the departing souls of Mr. Mohammad Asghar Fazli, Mr. & Mrs. Muzammil Afridi, Mr. Iqbal Pervez and Mr. Qamar Khan.
- After the Zuhar Prayers the delicious lunch was served along with desserts and cold drinks.
In the end, SAEEA thanked all office holders and the volunteers who came forward and helped to celebrate the function. If you have any questions, please contact Engr. Iqbal Ahmed Khan at +92-321-701-4929 or write to iqbalkhan.2010@live.com. View photos of SAEEA'S 4th Reunion Luncheon. Download the SAEEA's 4th Reunion Luncheon PowerPoint slideshow.