SAEEA First Anniversary and Eid Milan Luncheon
SAEEA's Anniversary and Eid Milan Luncheon
Saudi Aramco Ex-Employees Association, Sindh based, celebrated its first anniversary along with an Eid Milan Luncheon on September 25, 2011 at Lasania Restaurant Karachi. Following are the highlights:
- A total of 137 (84 male, 51 ladies and 2 children) attended the function.
- Kamal Farooqi, President, SAEEA, started off the function with recitation of Holy Quran.
- COLLECTION OF SUBSCRIPTION/DONATION: Kamal Farooqi appreciated Mohammad Abdul Matin for his interaction efforts and requested other ex-employees to come forward and assist the office bearers.
- The SAEEA President appreciated and thanked Engr Iqbal Ahmed Khan for his efforts in contacting Saudi Aramco Expat publications Houston with the result our activities reports are published.
- LOTTERY TICKETS: It was announced to give away six prizes, 3 each for male and female, against lottery draw.
- REPRESENTATIVE FROM MACKINNONS PAKISTAN: SAEEA invited a Representative from Saudi Aramco Recruiting Agents Office, Mackinnons Pakistan. Saeed Ahmed attended the function.
- HISTORY OF SAEEA: Engr. Iqbal Khan, SAEEA, Vice President, presented a brief history of SAEEA. It was established on September 25, 2010. The first function was held on October 11, 2010 and the second was on March 19, 2011. Therefore, 25th September was SAEEA’s third function and first anniversary. The first anniversary was combined with Eid Milan.
- STRENGTH OF SAEEA: Engr. Iqbal stated that as of date SAEEA managed to find around 300 ex-employees in Karachi, out of which 141 have filled the membership forms.
- SAEEA ACTAVITIES: Iqbal Khan briefed about SAEEA activities since the last function of March 19, 2011. He mentioned that SAEEA holds its monthly progress meetings on a regular basis; office bearers visit ex-employees who were sick to boost their moral and keep up with their welfare. Also they attend the funerals and visit the families for condolence.
- LADIES REPRESENTATIVE: Iqbal Khan informed that SAEEA appointed Mrs Mahtab Saeed Khan to work as Women representative. It was hoped that this effort of SAEEA will be beneficial to all Ex-employees.
- WEB PAGE: Engr. Iqbal Khan stated that SAEEA is in process of establishing a Web Page with the assistance of HUMSAA Company. They have already developed a template and soon will provide a link to all ex-employees about our web site.
- PUBLICATION: Similar to certain Saudi Aramco periodic publications, SAEEA is also planning to release the copies of Arabian Sun weekly newspaper of Saudi Aramco. A pdf copy of all will be sent to all ex-employees when ready.
- MONTHLY PROGRESS REPORT: The monthly progress report is being circulated to all members on a regular basis.
- LADIES REPRESENTATIVE: Mrs Mahtab Saeed Khan came over the rostrum and delivered her report and requested all families to contact her for their concerns. She has already started a SAEEA Marriage Bureau and developed a form which was circulated to all SAEEA Members. It was hoped that this effort of SAEEA will be very beneficial to all Ex-employees. She stressed that maintaining secrecy is prime importance of SAEEA policy.
- Kamal Ahmed Farooqi made dua for all sick ex-employees and also dua magfarat for those who left us during this period.
- OPEN FLOOR FOR ALL EX-EMPLOYEES: Certain ex-employees came on the stage, appreciated SAEEA office bearer’s efforts and gave some suggestions. The items will be discussed by SAEEA office bearers during their next monthly meetings. Besides SAEEA Members, Mr. Saeed Ahmed from Mackinnons Pakistan also addressed the audience and delivered his best wishes for the Association. He offered his availability for any assistance.
- LUNCH: After Dohar prayer, a delicious lunch was served.
- LUCKY DRAW: As a result of lucky draw, six prizes were distributed among male and female.
In the end SAEEA thanked all office holders and the volunteers who came forward and help to celebrate the function. If you have any question please contact Engr. Iqbal Ahmed Khan on +92-321-701-4929 or write on iqbalkhan.2010@live.com. Download PowerPoint Presentation of Celebration Photos.