Al-Ayyam Al-Jamilah - Spring 1959
We were happy to receive a progress report from Sonoma, California, where Roland Cundall and his wife, Ruth have purchased and broken ground for a new home in the Mission Highlands area.
We were happy to receive a progress report from Sonoma, California, where Roland Cundall and his wife, Ruth have purchased and broken ground for a new home in the Mission Highlands area.
They began to gather on Monday afternoon, the day before the big party.
Despite the distances that separate us, the Holiday Season draws us together in remembrance of Christmases past and the fellowship we enjoyed in working together.
Charles M. Lane retired from Socal and Aramco on April 1, 1958. His well-earned spot among the annuitants comes after forty years of service.
William N. Weiss became a fellow Refugee on February 1, 1958. Bill has a service date of January 27, 1947 with Aramco and was a Lead Boilermaker.
With the coming of Christmas my thoughts turn to old friends and to memories of many past Christmases in other places.
With each passing month and with each new issue, the number of annuitants grows and grows.
William L. Brown has service going back to June 1925 and retires on August 1, 1957 after being Foreman of Pier Operations in the Oil Handling Division at Ras Tanura.
Our first issue went out at the height of the Christmas mail, but it took 'til the end of the holiday season to bring about some reader activity.
The phrase which we have taken for our title means, as you know, These Pleasant Days.