Old friends gathered for a wonderfully impromptu mini-reunion in Phoenix, Arizona. Darice Tiffany, Carolyn McMahon, Jan Lincoln and Karen Fallon typically get together for a regularly scheduled monthly luncheon, however, last month, Delores Marshall came to town so Darice invited more friends from around the area to join in the fun. In total, 8 Aramcons along with 2 guests were able to attend.

Left to right: Norma Klimpke, Karen Fallon, Delores Marshall, Linda Bauerle, guest, Judy Hines, Nancy Howells, Don Poe, Darice Tiffany and Jan Lincoln (middle).

Left to right: Rowie Welch, Darice Tiffany, Judy Hines, Don Poe, Delores Marshall, Nancy Howells, Norma Klimpke and Karen Fallon.

Norma Klimpke

Nancy Howells

Delores Marshall and Darice Tiffany recognizing Norma Klimpke.
There happens to be a very fine Middle Eastern restaurant called DeBabel that the ladies frequent. (They've come to know the owner who has also opened a Five Guys restaurant in Al-Khobar. In just over 3 years, he and his partners are the proud owners of the 38th-best restaurant in Phoenix.) The owners were happy to see familiar faces and delighted to meet so many that had been in Saudi Arabia.

Rowie Welch, Darice Tiffany and Judy Hines.
Karen Fallon writes, "We we were loud and happy and realized that some of us hadn’t seen each other for 30 years. But as you know, with Aramcons the years apart don’t matter. We stayed for 3 hours, and had shawarma, twook, babaganoush, tabouleh, et al!
Karen Fallon invites Aramcons in the Phoenix area to contact her by email at aramcobratabq@gmail.com if they are interested in attending the next luncheon.