Chicken Maqlooba

Chicken Maqlooba

BY Aramco ExPats / /

This is a very famous dish in the Arab world with many variations which include other meats like lamb or beef and different vegetables.

Al-Ayyam Al-Jamilah - Fall 2013

Al-Ayyam Al-Jamilah - Fall 2013

BY Saudi Aramco News / /

Like a modern-day Pied Piper, Kinda Hibrawi greets children at Camp Zeitouna in northern Syria. Her project is one of three involving individuals with company connections that are profiled in “Changing Lives, One at a Time.” Photograph by Mohammed Ojjeh.

Libyan Couscous with Lamb and Onion Chickpea Sauce

Libyan Couscous with Lamb and Onion Chickpea Sauce

BY Aramco ExPats / /

This tender-to-the-bone lamb dish is full of traditional North African ingredients such as chickpeas, couscous, and spices that fill your kitchen with mouthwatering aromas.

Chicken Kabsa

Chicken Kabsa

BY Aramco ExPats / /

Often called the national dish of Saudi Arabia, this favorite gets its flavor from a mixture of intense spices. There are many variations of kabsa.

SAEEA - August 2013

SAEEA - August 2013

BY Engr. Iqbal Ahmed Khan / /

SAEEA Monthly Meeting for August 2013

SAEEA - July 2013

SAEEA - July 2013

BY Engr. Iqbal Ahmed Khan / /

SAEEA Monthly Meeting Minutes for July 2013

Dhahran Rugby Club - Not the May Ball l

Dhahran Rugby Club - Not the May Ball l

BY Graham Vizor / /

Do you remember the fun that was the annual Dhahran Rugby Club May Ball from the late 1970s and early ‘80s? They were variously held on the old Pool Patio and then in the Dining Hall during the Rugby Club’s heyday. Well, we decided to get together to recreate some of the memories, and 102 of us took over the Limpley Stoke Hotel, Bath, England for a weekend of reminiscence, May 31-June 2.

SAEEA -  June 2013

SAEEA - June 2013

BY Engr. Iqbal Ahmed Khan / /

SAEEA Monthly Meeting for June 2013

SAEEA - May 2013

SAEEA - May 2013

BY Engr. Iqbal Ahmed Khan / /

SAEEA Monthly Meeting Minutes for May 2013

Chuck Crew and Reilly Financial Advisors Featured in the 'New York Times' Regarding the Complications of Living and Working Abroad

Chuck Crew and Reilly Financial Advisors Featured in the 'New York Times' Regarding the Complications of Living and Working Abroad

BY Reilly Financial Advisors / /

LIVING and working abroad may sound romantic. But having a financial life in more than one country — if one of those countries is the United States — is becoming increasingly complicated. Managing an international financial life was once solely the purview of the super rich, who jetted around the world. But given the still-high unemployment rate in the United States, opportunities for middle-class jobs abroad, in areas like finance, oil and construction, are becoming more appealing.

Chuck Crew and Reilly Financial Advisors Featured in the "New York Times" Regarding the Complications of Living and Working Abroad

Chuck Crew and Reilly Financial Advisors Featured in the "New York Times" Regarding the Complications of Living and Working Abroad

BY Reilly Financial Advisors / /

LIVING and working abroad may sound romantic. But having a financial life in more than one country — if one of those countries is the United States — is becoming increasingly complicated. Managing an international financial life was once solely the purview of the super rich, who jetted around the world. But given the still-high unemployment rate in the United States, opportunities for middle-class jobs abroad, in areas like finance, oil and construction, are becoming more appealing.

SAEEA - April 2013

SAEEA - April 2013

BY Engr. Iqbal Ahmed Khan / /

SAEEA Monthly Meeting Minutes for April 2013

Al-Ayyam Al-Jamilah - Spring 2013

Al-Ayyam Al-Jamilah - Spring 2013

BY Saudi Aramco News / /

Former Dhahran Consulate Deputy Principal Officer Colbert Held chats with Baylor University graduate student Corrine Peters at his exhibition of 250 photographs focusing on the Middle East, which runs through May 15 at the Waco, Texas, school. Photograph by Arthur Clark.

SAEEA -  March 2013

SAEEA - March 2013

BY Engr. Iqbal Ahmed Khan / /

SAEEA Monthly Meeting Minutes for March 2013

SAEEA - February 2013

SAEEA - February 2013

BY Engr. Iqbal Ahmed Khan / /

SAEEA Monthly Meeting Minutes for February 2013

Christopher Kaiser and Neyda Van Bennekom Marry in Florida

Christopher Kaiser and Neyda Van Bennekom Marry in Florida

BY Aramco ExPats / /

Christopher Kaiser and Neyda Van Bennekom were married Saturday, November 10 at the home of Dave and Sabia Kaiser in Crystal River, Florida. Neyda’s brother Albert Van Bennekom, an ordained minister, officiated at the wedding ceremony.