Powering Innovation

Powering Innovation

BY Saudi Aramco News / /

How many times have you had a great idea but never quite managed to put it into action? Or worse still, had a great idea but saw the vision turned into a reality by someone else?

Well-being - Caring for Your Health and Wellness

Well-being - Caring for Your Health and Wellness

BY The Arabian Sun / /

Travel Safe ... travel healthy

Say the word vacation, and people imagine traveling, meeting new people, seeing new places and trying different food. To help you and your family enjoy your vacation, Johns Hopkins Aramco Healthcare’s Clinical Nutrition and Food Services Unit offers you a few food and beverage travel tips.

Assisting the Sea Turtles on RT Beach

Assisting the Sea Turtles on RT Beach

BY Ron Loughland / /

In the spring, hawksbill turtles come to Ras Tanura (RT) Beach at night to lay their eggs. Recently, EPD researchers and volunteers have monitored the nesting turtles as part of a turtle management program developed with support from RT Community Services.

Saudi Aramco Journal of Technology - Summer 2016

Saudi Aramco Journal of Technology - Summer 2016

BY Saudi Aramco News / /

In this edition, read about an oil industry first field trial of inter-well reservoir nano-agent tracers, how to forecast integrated discrete fracture networks with inverse methods and other topics.

Young Designers Get Creative at FABLAB

Young Designers Get Creative at FABLAB

BY Saudi Aramco News / /

Over 100 young participants, from across Saudi Arabia, have taken part in a prototyping competition organized by the King Abdulaziz Center for World Culture – a Saudi Aramco initiative – in conjunction with the King Fahd University for Petroleum and Minerals (KFUPM).

IKTVA Program Takes Another Huge Stride

IKTVA Program Takes Another Huge Stride

BY Saudi Aramco News / /

Saudi Aramco’s In-Kingdom Total Value Add Program (IKTVA) continues to go from strength to strength with the announcement of the completion of the largest offshore tie-in platform ever constructed in Saudi Arabia.

Asir: Discovering the Kingdom's Hidden Treasure

Asir: Discovering the Kingdom's Hidden Treasure

BY Joshua White / /

I stand under a canopy of purple jacaranda blossoms that are twinkling gently in the mountain breeze like infinite stars in a desert sky. The park beckons, and I accept the invitation.

Ports and Terminals Book

Ports and Terminals Book

BY Saudi Aramco News / /

The Saudi Aramco Ports and Terminals book gives full details regarding the general conditions, rules, regulations, facilities and available services at all Saudi Aramco terminals.

Dimensions International Summer 2016

Dimensions International Summer 2016

BY Saudi Aramco News / /

Taking extreme run to the edge of the world: For a once-in-a-lifetime experience Nasier Mohamed Fakier participates in the 2016 Antarctica Marathon.

Maker Expo Puts Innovation at Center Stage‭

Maker Expo Puts Innovation at Center Stage‭

BY Saudi Aramco News / /

Fostering innovation in the Kingdom is a key part of Saudi Aramco’s strategy to become the world’s leading energy and petrochemicals company, and it is a key component of the Saudi Vision 2030 to create sustained economic growth, diversification, and job creation for future generations.

CEO Leads Signing Ceremony of Mega Gas Project at Fadhili

CEO Leads Signing Ceremony of Mega Gas Project at Fadhili

BY Saudi Aramco News / /

Saudi Aramco President and CEO Amin H. Nasser today presided over a signing ceremony of the Fadhili gas project, marking a new milestone in the company’s drive to expand gas production and supply to meet growing domestic demand for energy. The new Saudi Aramco mega project will help boost production and supply with clean-burning natural gas, lessening dependence on oil for power generation.

Boosting the Lives of Hearing Impaired Children

Boosting the Lives of Hearing Impaired Children

BY Saudi Aramco News / /

The culture of citizenship and spirit of generosity of Saudi Aramco employees has once again been demonstrated with an overwhelming response to a campaign to make a life-changing difference to the lives of hearing impaired children.

Drilling into the Future

Drilling into the Future

BY Saudi Aramco News / /

A dynamic new project, the Saudi Arabian Drilling Academy (SADA), has officially been launched. The goal set by its directors and stakeholders is to develop SADA as a training hub to serve the drilling and workover industry in the region.

Dhahran Girl Scouts earn Silver Awards

Dhahran Girl Scouts earn Silver Awards

BY The Arabian Sun / /

The Girl Scouts mission statement —“Girl Scouts builds girls of courage, confidence and character who make the world a better place” — is fitting for Cadettes Girl Scouts Talyah Alnatour, Lina Al-Shaikh, Laura Solano Florez, and Dina Haikal from Troops 15 and 80, who have recently completed their Silver Award.

Bringing Vision 2030 to the United States

Bringing Vision 2030 to the United States

BY Saudi Aramco News / /

On the sidelines of HRH Deputy Crown Prince Mohammad ibn Salman ibn ‘Abd al- ‘Aziz Al Saud’s recent visit to the United States to convey Saudi Vision 2030 and invite collaboration in its execution, HE Khalid A. Al-Falih, Minister of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources, and Chairman of the Saudi Aramco Board of Directors, took part in disseminating the message, also taking time to share Saudi Aramco’s strategy to help implement Vision 2030 in Houston and Boston through a series of town halls and meetings with business, financial and academic leaders.



BY Saudi Aramco News / /

Manifa: where every grain of sand and every drop of water tells a story, is a book that captures in words and pictures the history, social, cultural, environmental and industrial context of the construction surrounding the world’s fifth-largest oil field with its distinctive causeway and network of drilling platforms arching gracefully into the Arabian Gulf.

Manifa (1)

Manifa (1)

BY Saudi Aramco News / /

Manifa: where every grain of sand and every drop of water tells a story, is a book that captures in words and pictures the history, social, cultural, environmental and industrial context of the construction surrounding the world’s fifth-largest oil field with its distinctive causeway and network of drilling platforms arching gracefully into the Arabian Gulf.

What's so Funny About Lucian the Syrian?

What's so Funny About Lucian the Syrian?

BY Robert Lebling / /

A world-renowned satirist who wrote in Greek in the second-century Roman Empire, he left an indelible mark on the literature of the West.

Manifa Mega-Project Captured in New Book

Manifa Mega-Project Captured in New Book

BY Saudi Aramco News / /

Saudi Aramco’s Manifa oil field, with its distinctive causeway and network of drilling platforms arching gracefully into the Arabian Gulf, is now the subject of a new coffee table book.